What’s in your future?

I pulled into the Envoy parking lot and there it was – a 426 HP, bright orange, 2013, Camaro that existed in my friend’s dream. Now a reality! He confided in me a month or so earlier that he’d finally convinced his wife that “they” should have the car of his...

Your work: a reflection of the nature of God

John Calvin believed that work is as much a part of worship as giving. In the Christian community, we talk about work as worship, work as ministry, and work as stewardship.We often think of the work that we are required to do in order to earn a living. We...

We can be better than this

Is this the best we can be?There are times when we are challenged as a nation—a people—to look beyond our own individual self-interests. I am reflecting on this point as the “gun control” conversation swirls around us.During my lifetime, these moments of reflection...
Retirement Redefined

Retirement Redefined

When people, or even analysts, talk about retirement they talk about it as being one homogeneous season of life.  A time of retreat and diminished capacity is the general characterization.  Nothing could be further from the truth or the reality of...