2019 Marketing and Sales Report

2019 Marketing & Sales Report 

Leads + MQLs


  • Leads are moving to MQL

Email Performance

Open Rate


Industry Ave 21%

Click Rate

Ave 3% | High 9%

Industry Ave 2.5%


  • Email Stats are Above Industry Averages

Web Stats



Church Retirement Plans
Google Page 1 (#6)

Ministers Housing Allowance
Google Page 1 (#9)


Rollover 7%
Blueprint 15%


108 Ave Visits Daily

Estimated 20% New



28% new leads

Top Pages

(over 300 visits)

Home Page – 47,976
Contact Us – 1,298
Rollover Request – 1,291
Activate – 1,072
Blueprint – 1,046
Housing Allowance – 1,042
Resources – 1022
About – 886
Advisory – 596
Careers – 561
Expenses – 310


  • Our SEO Approach is working

  • Rollovers show untapped potential

    • Over $1.2 Million since Sept 2018

    • Almost 1,300 page visits this year but on 7% conversion rate

  • We need to work on the Blueprint conversion rate

  • Too many people are going to the contact page (i.e., we should have that information easier to access)

  • Housing Allowance continues to be a hot topic

  • Resource page is unexpectedly more popular than expected

  • Why have we had over 500 people look at the careers page?

  • We should look at improving the About, Advisory, and Expenses pages because of traffic volume

  • Jan, Apr, July, and Oct are peak months for web traffic (assume this is when people get quarterly statements)



  • 27% of deals are won (up 2% from 2017)



Deals vs Goal


Deal Pipeline (dollar amount)

Deal Pipeline (number of deals)


Deal Source (dollar amount)

Deal Source (number of deals)


  • BMA helped us meet our 2018 Goal

  • Envoy contacts is by far the best source of plans and assets with referrals and partners next.

Outlook for 2019

Benchmark for 2019 Established

Unified system


IRA and Partner Program