7 Key Issues Surrounding Ministers and Retirement


Ministers are called to serve. But it’s also important for them to take care of themselves. One way that they can begin to take care of themselves is through retirement. It’s important for ministers to start planning for their retirement years so that they can continue to serve in financial freedom.

Those serving in this role are often pulled in multiple directions both vocationally and personally. It is a challenging profession. However, when called and passionate, the “yoke is heavy but the burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)

Here are 7 key retirement issues ministers must address:

1.     Do you have a vision of your preferred future after you leave your vocational position?

2.     Have you started to prepare financially and emotionally?

3.     What plan is in place at your church that supports a Future Funded Ministry Plan?

4.     What financial resources will you need to continue to minister during the 4th quarter of your life and when will you need to access it?

5.     How much money do you have and how is it invested?

6.     Are you being intentional with a plan and is it integrated with your spouse?

7.     What needs to change in both your understanding, thinking and action in order to fulfill God’s vision for your preferred future? Notice, I did not say “your” vision.

Wherever you are in life, begin your retirement now.

Many believe that the only key issue in retirement is having enough money. Certainly, without enough your options and alternatives for ministry during that 4th Quarter are limited. They are limited because they are controlled by the lack of funding and having to calculate the income portion of any and all commitments.

There is a term that brings clarity to this part of the retirement issue: A Future Funded Ministry Plan. After all, there is ministry for you in the future and it must be funded. And, yes although “retirement” is not in the bible, “lifetime” certainly is and that makes all the difference!

While resources are a key issue, the idea of being faithful for a lifetime and serving through the duration of your life is the most impactful. Once you understand the importance of financially free future, you can begin to develop you vision, resources, and planning. That preparation is certainly financially based but it also includes spiritual, emotional, and relational preparedness as well.

Here is a challenge to all in ministry:

Are you ready to make Future Funded Ministry a part of your message to those you serve in your sermons, writing, counseling, and teaching? It is time for this approach towards retirement to permeate our Christian community.

Ministers and those in Christian leadership, please join us in spreading the word!

Are you a Ministry Leader?

We have some great ways to promote Biblical Financial Stewardship to your staff.

To explore this, connect with us.